Business Culture (företagskultur) är en viktig del av kulturlivet. Idag är den mer och mer hårfint granskad av publik och offentliga organisationer. Teorien har påverkats av den så kallade 5C: Kunder, Tävling, Datorer, Kostnader och Intyganden. Den är nu mycket kundfokuserad
PM WORLD TODAY JANUARY 2012 – “Project Management and Cloud Computing” Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
FinanceME – To the max: The case for business cards Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Status of card Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Identity theft: Check credit card fraud and misuse Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
High growth potential for card services Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Lean first, then automate: an integrated model for process improvement in pure service-providing companies Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Project Management 2.0 Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
APMS 2009 Advances in Production Management Systems Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Presentations at Events. Click on PDF’s icon to download. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Article’s pubblication. Click on PDF’s icon to download. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend
Book’s Pubblication. Click on icon to download in PDF’s format. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend