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A Hidden Part of the Culture: the Business Culture

Business Culture (företagskultur) är en viktig del av kulturlivet. Idag är den mer och mer hårfint granskad av publik och offentliga organisationer. Teorien har påverkats av den så kallade 5C: Kunder, Tävling, Datorer, Kostnader och Intyganden. Den är nu mycket kundfokuserad

FinanceME – To the max: The case for business cards

FinanceME – To the max: The case for business cards Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend

Status of card

Status of card Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend

Identity theft: Check credit card fraud and misuse

Identity theft: Check credit card fraud and misuse Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend

High growth potential for card services

High growth potential for card services Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend

Project Management 2.0

Project Management 2.0 Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend

APMS 2009 Advances in Production Management Systems

APMS 2009 Advances in Production Management Systems Click to download Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend

Article’s pubblication

Article’s pubblication. Click on PDF’s icon to download. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Tweet about it Buzz it up Print for later Tell a friend